Friday, May 18, 2007

Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya

Today, I went to another yoga session. Sangiva, our teacher, started the program with us two weeks ago. It is a series of eight continuous classes. If you miss one, you must drop out of the program. It’s an optional class and I felt compelled to do it. How can you not take a yoga class in a country known for yoga?

Today, we did a meditation technique for decongesting the Manipuraka, the chakra located in the navel that deals with worry. Up to this point, I hadn’t felt any change or major difference with the other meditation techniques we tried. The only other chakra we’ve worked on thus far has been the one dealing with the heart.

But something happened today, something clicked. I know I sound absolutely ridiculous and when I describe the meditation technique we used today, you are bound to start laughing. Today, we did a technique (the title of this entry) that is basically called jibberish for short. It is a technique that begins with you standing up. For the first two minutes, you stand with your eyes closed reliving the most depressing moment of your life. The next twenty-one minutes are spent conveying your emotions about the depressing moment with your eyes closed speaking jibberish.

I was highly skeptical. I’ve heard of people speaking in tongues but I, personally, was not sure how to convey my emotion about the most depressing thing to ever happen in my life in a language I don’t understand. But I did it. The jibberish flowed. And I must say it is quite powerful to relive something I’d never let myself think about before.

I felt something tonight, a change. My meditation led to an intense stomach ache, something Sangiva says happens frequently with this meditation. If the meditation works, I will be able to still have the memory of the depressing moment without the emotion. We’ll see. All I can say is don’t knock it until you try it.

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