Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Things I Miss About India

Vibrant Saris
Staring Being 100% Permissible
Learning Something New Everyday
Growing Up-Finding Self-Independence In A Place Where I Shouldn't Have
Rickshaws-They Made Every Ride a Rollercoaster
Indian Smiles
Indian Head Bobs
Kaapi Nirvana.... Oh Coffee Day!

It's been almost two months since my return and I think about India constantly. It's funny how just about everything makes you think of India. Yet, I still can't believe that I was ever there. It seems like a dream. While I think about it constantly, until my feet feel the red dirt or I see a rickshaw flying by or I'm drinking Kingfisher, I can't say I truly remember all of India.

I am so worried about forgetting everything I learned. I catch myself becoming comfortable again in America. When I returned, everything was a shock. Now, everything seems to be as it should. I want to always remember that hot water is a blessing, air conditioning is a luxury, you don't need a car to get where you need to go, and your Starbucks coffee costs more than some people make in a month. But somehow it's getting harder to remember those things.

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