Sunday, May 27, 2007

India Is No Amusement Park

Rachel, Taylor, Emily and I left for our weekend holiday in Kerala, a neighboring state with a beach. Dr. Rao told us the drive to Kerala would be about four hours. It turned out to be closer to five and a half. We ventured out with our driver, Robi, and it was smooth sailing for about an hour or two. Then the rain came and we were literally driving through the jungle. Elephants were on the side of the road and monkeys darted in front of the car to cross the street. It was so surreal. I felt like I was living the Jurassic Park movie or was on an amusement park ride. Everything was so green…the jungle was everything I’d imagined it would be. It was one of those rare instances where the images you’ve been fed all your life are actually accurate.

I was snapped back into reality when the road became unpaved and muddy. We were going down a steep hill. We were bumped around everywhere. Robi, the driver, was driving all over the road to find the smoothest patches. Trucks were pulled over because they couldn’t make it up the hill. We were all scared enough that we were silent. We were concentrating just as much as Robi. When we spun out once on the mud, we all freaked. It was an odd feeling to realize that if something happens to me, there is absolutely nothing I can do and the likelihood of anyone finding me is slim. India is increasingly teaching me that I have very little control, a scary thought for a control freak.

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